Premier Scaffolding Limited - Manchester - Construction equipment, building supplies, Manchester - 3149618


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Premier Scaffolding Limited - Construction equipment, building supplies

Ref. number: 3149618 Updated: 30-05-2024 10:09

Offering: Construction equipment, building supplies in United Kingdom, Manchester

Premier Scaffolding Ltd. Deliver professional scaffolding services throughout North West England. We have extensive experience in the commercial, construction, industrial and public sectors. We offer a full range of scaffolding, including access scaffolding, access staircases, and access towers for all types of development projects including industrial, commercial, new build development and public sector construction. No matter how huge the scaffolding project is, we have the skills and team to design, install, adapt, and dismantle the scaffolding solution that’s just right for your project.

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Contact information
First name: Premier Scaffolding
Last name: Limited
Mobile number: +44 01618488881
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